Ep. 28: All the Ways to Get Coached at Pivot Coaching

In this short episode Coach Stephanie Finigan walks through the many ways (including free ones!) that you can get coached at Pivot Coaching. From free email coaching to 1:1 multi-month deep dive coaching, if you’re looking for help making your pivot (in your personal life, professional life, or anything in between) there is an option that will work for you. Listen to this episode to learn more about the variety of ways to get coached and get pivoting at Pivot. 

Hey there, welcome to another episode of the I'm the Problem podcast. I'm your host and coach, Stephanie Finigan, and today's episode is going to be a bit different and a bit shorter, but it's something that I realized I haven't done in 29, 28, 29 episodes of the show, which is talk specifically about Pivot Coaching. So I am just going to spend a few minutes today letting you know what is going on at pivot this fall, as we head into Q4 and kind of the back end of 2024.

So Pivot Coaching for anyone that's new to this is a general life coaching business, and what that means is I coach on any topic. So you want to talk about money, career, relationships, health, goal setting, habits, time management. You want to talk about big things, like what's my purpose in life, or more micro things like I don't know how to motivate myself to get out of bed early enough to work out in the mornings. I coach on all levels of issues in people's lives. And it is amazing the more coaching that I do just to see how common everybody's problems are. So I say that to say no matter what you're wrestling with, I promise you I've probably coached somebody else on that issue or something very similar. So Pivot is very much focused on people who want to make a big life change and don't know where to start or haven't done it yet or just can't seem to get themselves to make the change. And it's likely all due to your mindset, not due to your inability to make the change. So the change could be a career change, it could be a massive change in your income, it could be you want to get a promotion, you want to go back to school and become a doctor, you want to become an entrepreneur after a life in corporate, you want to go work in East Africa after living in the US your entire life, you want to stop swearing, you want to stop yelling at your kids when you're stressed out. You want to stop swearing. You want to stop yelling at your kids when you're stressed out. Like any of these things are pivots.

Those are all just a few examples of pivots. And we all sort of get sold this narrative that, hey, once you hit a certain age, it's just not really possible for you. Like you're kind of you've made your bed. You have to lie in it. Or if you make a big change now, after 35, after 40, after 45, whatever the number is, then you know what, it's reckless, it's selfish, it's too risky, you have too many other obligations, it's going to be too hard, you know, nobody will hire you, nobody will want to work with you because you're too old. Whatever the stories are, they're just stories, but many of us have absorbed them and we believe them and so we live our lives by them. So at Pivot Coaching, we do a lot of work unearthing what those stories are that are preventing people from taking the steps they need to take to make their big pivot. And then we rewrite those stories, and then we move forward with all of the actions that you need to take in order to actually make the change that you want to make, or changes that you want to make.

So at a very high level, that's what Pivot Coaching is. Now, there are a whole bunch of ways that we can work together, and pivot coaching is always evolving and changing as I'm learning more about who my clients are and what it is that you guys really want in terms of content and coaching. So, if you're interested in learning more about pivot coaching, there are a number of ways that we can engage together.

Here are kind of the big bullet points. First, freebies. Obviously, this podcast, every week-ish, I take hiatuses now and then, but every week, I aim to put out a podcast episode that is meant to be easily digestible, actionable, hopefully motivating and useful for you. So this podcast is always here for you.

Secondly, on makeyourpivot.co, there is a blog tab and I write on there about a variety of different coaching topics as well. Money, goal setting, time management, etc. etc. Lots of different things you can read on there. They're a bit more long form, but if you like to consume information that way, then that's another opportunity for you to get some free coaching in your life without any commitment.

Another way to get free coaching is to sign up for the newsletter, the Weekly Pivot, which I send out every Friday or most Fridays, that usually provides a short summary topic, something for you to read and digest as you move into the weekend and something for you to be thinking about or bits of advice, coaching or experiences that I've had that I want to share that might be useful, as well as all of the information or updates that you might be interested in when it comes to Pivot. In addition, you do get a 15% discount on any coaching purchase if you are on the newsletter list. So, again, makeyourpivot.co, go to the newsletter tab, you will find that you can sign up for the newsletter there, super quick and easy.

And then the other way that we can work together in terms of free work is my free email coaching option. So, this one I love. It's one of my most favorite things that I do because I think it's a great way to get quick coaching, coaching on the fly, or start to get to know me as a coach if we haven't worked together yet. I get a lot of people in here that don't know what coaching is, so a lot of times in this free email coaching, I'm walking you through the basics of coaching as well as helping you with your specific issue. I also get a lot of alumni and folks that have worked with me before. They just want like a quick piece of coaching or they've got a quick update for me on something we've been working on and they're looking for some guidance. It's another great way to engage with me after you might have worked with me in a more formal or extended setting. So the email is pivotcoachingqueue, that's q-u-e-u-e, at gmail.com. Not sure why I made it so long and complicated back when I set this up, but there it is. PivotCoaching, Q-U-E-U-E, at gmail.com (pivotcoachingqueue@gmail.com). And again, this information is over at makeyourpivot.co. But all you need to do there is go to that email, send me an email and say, hey, Stephanie, I'd love to get some free email coaching on XYZ. “I'm constantly arguing with my mother-in-law,” or “I don't know how to get my husband to stop yelling at the kids”, or “I really can't stand my boss and I just wanna start my own business", but I'm really scared to take that leap”. Anything that you want coaching on, big topics, small topics, whatever it is, just send me a blurb, tell me a little bit about it, and I will respond to you, and we will go back and forth, and you will get some coaching free right to your inbox. So that's the free email coaching. I really encourage you to take advantage of that if that's something that you have not done yet.

And then finally, you can always find me on social media. Right now I'm spending most of my social media time on Instagram. I'm @pivot_coaching and you can obviously follow me over there for coaching as well as I put a lot of you know personal life stuff over there. You can DM me there. I've done coaching for people there via DM or voice message through the Instagram app. So, lots of ways to reach me and get free coaching on whatever it is you need coaching on.

The other ways that we can work together are through paid engagements. Right now I'm offering a 12-session package. I've just found that 12 sessions is like a nice number for most clients. where you can actually see some change and get done some major things. It's three months of work, it's a lot of time for you and I to get to know each other, but also it's a short enough amount of time that there's no lag. The other thing is the way I structure those 12-week packages, we do three weeks on and one week off so that you have a chance to kind of digest the work and take a break, and I also just find people kind of need that breather. So it is 12 sessions, but it's not 12 weeks in a row. It's three weeks on, one off. So with that package you get not only one-on-one coaching sessions, but you also get access to me via Voxer. If you don't know the Voxer app, it's like a walkie-talkie app essentially, but you can basically just leave me voice messages, sort of text or voice message, and I'll get back to you and you can do that 24/7. You can do that anytime you need to or want to in between sessions. So you always have a coach available to support you and help you through whatever it is that you wanna make your pivot about. So I love the offer because I feel like this is really a way to dig in and actually really make the change that you want to make.

And the other way to work together in terms of one-on-one coaching is if you are a previous client, if you have purchased a package from me before, we've worked together before that way, you can also purchase single sessions for me. So I don't offer single sessions for anybody unless we've worked together in a more extended capacity. If we've worked together, if we have a history, if you understand the coaching model that I work with, which is something I teach you that you can then use for yourself and come back to me with questions on, all of that occurs in the 12-session package. If you do that, if you have that, then coming back any time, we have like a shorthand and we can just dive in, get some stuff done, get some issues solved, get some real coaching in, and we can do a lot in 60 minutes. So that's the reason I offer single-session coaching only for people who have already worked with me in a bigger coaching package capacity.

All of this, if this all sounds interesting to you and you are curious, but you're not sure if you, you're still not sure if you want to make the commitment or you're not sure you've got a couple different things you might want coaching on and you're not sure which to choose, if we're gonna vibe, then I definitely encourage you to sign up for a 60-minute consult. There is no commitment and it is free. So this is the time where we meet together for 60 minutes and I spend those 60 minutes talking to you and coaching you on whatever you wanna talk about in that session. Any sort of admin or business-related work, I will do in a follow-up email after, but I really like to use that session as a time for people to come and work with me for an hour and just get a sense of what it's like to be in a session with me and just see if we vibe and see if this is something that is a fit for you. That is the best way to figure out if you and I are going to be a good fit.

Alright, so that's what I have for you today. There's not much more that I wanted to update you guys on or spend time on this week other than just letting you know that I have spots open. I have now opened up coaching spots all five days during the week. Previously I was only doing two or three days and now I've got spots all five days. So if you are interested in getting coaching reach out about that 60 minute free consult, reach out over email pivotcoachingqueue@gmail.com or shoot me a note on Instagram. And all this information, as well as all the content I just mentioned, the blog, the podcast, everything, even information about the Pivot Foundation, which I'm not quite ready to talk about yet, but I will be talking about that soon. That's the nonprofit arm of Pivot. All of that is over at makeyourpivot.co. So come on over there and you will see all of this and you will see all of the ways that we can work together. And there's even a free training there on making a career pivot if that's where your area of interest is. All right, any questions, I'd love to answer them. I hope you guys had a great week and I will talk to you next time. and I will talk to you next time.


Ep. 27: How to Believe That Thing You Want WILL Work Out for You