It’s like we hit 40 decide, “I’ve made my bed, I guess I need to lie in it”.

We stop trying new things, stop taking risks, stop making changes...

So what’s the plan then? Just tread water for the next 50 years? Seriously?

Whatever that Big Life Change is that you want to make - in your career, your relationship, your finances, your health, your hobbies, your mindset - there’s no reason it can’t be yours. You don’t need to give everything else up, you don’t need to be younger, you don’t need more time or more talent or more luck.

You just need a coach.

Welcome to Pivot.

I’ve got you. LFG.


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Hey you, you 40-something,

I see you over there. You have your career, you have your family, you have your home and friends and hobbies and your routine...and it’s all good. It’s what you wanted.

But there’s something else you want too. A pivot. A change.

That thing that’s nagging at you at night before you go to bed, or when you have a minute alone on your commute, or when you see someone else online doing the thing you want and you feel that pang of jealousy you assumed you wouldn’t feel anymore once you hit your 40s….

Here’s the truth: nothing has gone wrong. You’re not crazy or ridiculous or unrealistic or living in a fantasy land for having an idea that maybe you could make a change, even now, after you’ve blown out those 40-something candles on your last birthday cake.

In fact, your desire for more, for something different, is good news. This means you want to do what humans were born to do: evolve. Level up. Keep going. Do something new. 

In other words, PIVOT.

So tell me: what’s your pivot? What’s that big life change you want to make? Do you want to launch into a totally new career? Do you want to start a new relationship? Make more money than you ever have before? Do you want to finally want to write that book or launch the podcast or start a business or move to that new city or quit that job or break that habit or run a marathon? Do you want to enjoy parenting more or stop feeling bad about past mistakes or feel less stressed every day?

I don’t know you, but I do know a few things for sure:

1) whatever it is you want, you want it for a reason,

2) you have a million reasons why you haven’t gotten it yet, and those reasons feel very valid, ans

3) if you could make this change happen and get what you want on your own, you’d have done it by now.

And that’s where I come in.

I’m Stephanie Finigan - a certified life coach and someone who’s built a business based on the idea that being in your 40s is the best time to make big life changes. I’ve done it for my clients, and for myself  And now it’s your turn.

There is no reason you can’t make your pivot and have exactly what you want - that career, the money, the relationship, the body, the ease - whatever it is, it’s possible for you.  I work 1:1 with clients to help them see exactly what’s getting in their way, move past those obstacles, and finally make the big changes that they want to make, whether that’s in their careers, their relationships, with their finances, their health, or anything else they want to change. 

No matter what your pivot is, and no matter what your reasons are for not doing it yet, through our work together you will have everything you need to achieve the result you want. I’ve done it for myself, I’ve seen my clients do it, and now it’s your turn. 

I’ve got you. LFG.

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