60 Minute Consult (No commitment)


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Not sure if coaching is right for you? I get it - there was a time when I wasn’t sure about it myself. So let’s keep it casual for right now and do a free, 60-minute intro session where we can see if this is good fit for us both. My goal here is to be as transparent as possible about what you can - and can’t - expect from working with me, so that there are no surprises when you commit. You can come to this session with a specific topic in mind that you know you want help with, or you can come even if you don’t have something specific you want coaching on and I’ll lead you, no problem. At the end of this session you will have:

  • clarity on what life coaching is, and what it can do for you

  • a clear understanding of what to expect from each coaching session, and how it will impact you

  • suggested action steps for how to move forward on your focus area, with or without a coach by your side

Not bad for 60 minutes of your life, right?